Minecraft Mod
I developed this simple mod for the game "Minecraft" with my peer that
adds a new food item to the game, as well as a new ore block with corresponding tools
and armour. We also incorporated some worldgen to procedurally place our ore and a new
structure in the overworld.
My Portfolio Website
I created this portfolio website you are currently seeing to display all of the projects
I have worked on by myself and during my time in college. The site was built written in TypeScript using NextJS. Icons were provided by FontAwesome and styling is done with the Tailwind CSS library.
Technology Roster: Admin
For this NextJS project in my Full Stack Programming course, I had used a pre-existing MongoDB
database populated with a collection of technologies used throughout our college program. I added to
this a collection of all of the courses referenced by these technologies and the functionality to
add, remove, and edit the technologies and courses.
Link Collection App
In my Web Application Programming course, we learned about and worked with ASP.NET. For the
final project of that course, we were tasked with developing an app that could store many links
divided into four different categories. Links could be pinned to the top of the category or unpinned.
The application also has an administration side with a validated login page. On the administration
end, one can add, edit, or remove the links and edit the category names.